I offer a variety of Divine Metaphysics services. Specialising in Source Light connection, Archangel Metatron Ascension Dynamics, enlightenment, vibrational transformation, Light Consultation, Energy Practitioner Training, Guidance. Light Counsel and Mentoring.

Source verifies its very existence to us through what we feel. Therefore, all Metatronia services, training and Attunements work on this divine principle. Distantly applied sacred energy codings that provide intervention, nurture, transformation, love, guidance and above all, pure connection to the One Light of Source. 


"I just wanted to let you know how beautiful your newsletter was, that I received yesterday. You have the most magnificent gift of shedding so much Truth and Light, into spaces that can so easily be disillusioned, and your caring toward all that you reach is truly profound. I found such an important reminder in your words, and peace in decisions that I felt guided to make. I am so grateful to have found you. You have truly been a reflection of the Magic that exists in this world, and the space you hold speaks so profoundly in your humility. You are a reminder of that magic, in the precision of the timing of your words, and the spaces of truth that you hold so beautifully. Just wanted to send you my love, and very sincere gratitude, for having been blessed with the gift of your Light. I look forward to the Metatronia Light Gathering on Christmas Eve".

"And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you, because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe in magic, will never find it." ~R. Dahl"

"Tammy has consistently produced webinars that are supporting to those seeking their divine truth. She respectfully ensures there is never pressure or conformity to set methods or practices as she appreciates everyone has their own beliefs. A splendid ascension guide and true multi-dimensional facet of a Gem xx"

"The connection to MT has been a beautiful and ongoing journey. This enabled me to have a stronger connection to Source and remembering who I am in and within the experience of life. My life has changed and the life of others surrounding me as well into a more fluid, unexpected, joyful manifestation.  Embodied self-esteem, allowing to express my higher-self through art (or any other way) as well as showing and selling my work.  All of this with ease and knowing we are One has been a huge transformation me. My connection to nature twinkles with light while observing, hearing, feeling, smelling, touching, sensing these energies or just Being. Rainbows of colour, texture and shapes are present. The expansion of Oneness is a peaceful loving bountiful delight!  Thank you from the bottom of my heart!"

"The energies in this workshop were intense. Thank you for such an amazing weekend". 

"I LOVED the workshop, and feel SO grateful and SO blessed to have been a part of it - I gained SO much from it!!!"

"It is so much fun to hang out with your beautiful energy, Metatron and the Light"

"Your voice transported me away. It was as if you were communicating with us from a higher level, a higher dimension. I was literally moved out of my physical body to a place of just bliss and light. I still cannot get my head around it but it was just an amazing weekend. Thank you so much for all you do". 

"The course was done with much love and grace.  I feel the shift and feel good with all that is. Thank you for spreading your light". 

"A most amazing experience. It was as if you could see the energy in the air, beautiful day, beautiful energies".

"Not what I expected at all. It was unlike any other workshop I have ever attended. It was all about the energy and feeling the vibration. A truly wonderful experience".

"I felt as if I was being transported to another dimension and didn’t want to come back down! Thank you Tammy for the amazing gift you bring to us at this time".

"I had to ask you what it is you were working with as when you talk it is just so transforming and melted me into another place within myself. A truly beautiful experience. Thank you. I guess there doesn't need to be explanation as you say lol. It just is as it is so divinely so!". 

"This was not what I was expecting. From the moment I met Tammy the energies were just so intense. I was out of it for most of the Workshop in this blissful bubble of pure love and something I cannot quite put into words but a feeling of being held by a most beautiful, abundant love....such a powerful energy which is still with me. Thank you for this wonderful event". 

"I wanted to say a word or two about the workshop.  I love your easy style of teaching.  You made it comfortable for all of us and allowed us to share and get to know each other.  Your personal devotion and love for Metatron was so apparent and you were an inspiration to all. I liked when you skimmed through some of the material to give us an overview. Your style is so engaging. It was a lovely day and you covered the material very well but more importantly you are the perfect choice and the perfect voice and I can see why Metatron chose you to head this organisation.  It’s who you are and how you encourage and have just the right balance of leadership and humility.  You are a lovely example of one who has surrendered and is devoted to this path.  There is a lightness and humor you bring which is just the right touch. Looking forward to Oct.  With love and appreciation,

 "What a fabulous day, so enlightening, so uplifting, so very grateful". 

 "A-m-a-z-i-n-g...stuck for words...this was fabulous.....so much to open up to, and to learn etc....and so beautifully put across, thank you Tammy. "

"This lady is something else...a pure channel, a divine soul...such light, such love...such honesty...i did this through distance but my, it was an awesome experience...just goes to show that the Universe has so much for us to tap into and trust....thank you."

"I only came in for a coffee and a chat and wasn't expecting what turned out to be an absolutely breathtaking, uplifting and transforming day...no looking back".

"Never have I felt such a divine connection within the room and within myself. It was as if I was scanned and everything was released that I needed to release. So awesome and yet I felt so very safe, almost as if I was held in the hands of the Divine".

"I love the way that you just don't know how good you are! Such a very unique trait you don't get that often enough. Thank you Tammy, a blessing it is to have met you".

Well, Tammy, you really "delivered"....and yes, I know it wasn't "you" and yet you were such a great channel/facilitator for those great meditations today. Really potent.  What a potent process/meditation....2 of them!!!! Many, many thanks for coming on the show.  It was really wonderful.........I love your attitude and spirit! - Judy Anderson (Jazzupyourlifewithjudy.com)

"Dear Judy, Truly one of your most interesting calls!!! A very powerful energy! Sounded like she was working with a handheld generator or radar device. Amazing!  Thank you!"  Shelley

"Just listening to your voice made me drift off into a deep trance-like state. It was so swift and so peaceful. I felt literally transformed away from my dense state into a blissful light abyss". Thank you. 

"The webinar was FAB! You and Valerie answered ALL of my questions including some asked by a couple of the participants. I even took off the Moldavite I have been wearing around the clock for the last 2 years and replaced it with my azeztulite - definitely a much gentler energy, especially with all the changes that are occurring energetically within and around me!". 

"Amazing thank you so much".

"Fab evening, thank you for your support and guidance, kindness and endurance!". 

"Great webinar. Thank you for all that you are doing right now". 

"Wow! The webinar was Hot!!! Throughout the presentation so much heat building up. I loved the alignment prayer I shall use that daily very powerful.  I feel so lucky. It is so beautiful to be aligned". 

"I can hardly believe the feeling I get from the webinar connection. I now truly believe in a Universal vibration. Something happened within me as I listened to you speaking and I felt a rush of golden light and a pulsating in my heart, racing and excitement. So fabulous. Thank you for all you do. I don't think I will ever feel the same!". 

"I really appreciated when you reminded us that Metatron is the highest Light and energy on the planet.  That was a powerful reminder because you were also right when you said that we are constantly being bombarded with “new” spiritual teachers and modalities in an endless pursuit of answers.  I find myself in that loop and remember you saying that the biggest lesson you had to learn from Metatron was surrender and I see that this is my biggest lesson as well. This is probably THE biggest life lesson for me and there are so many layers of learning around this!! It feels counterproductive and contrary to everything we have been taught on planet Earth. It’s actually an “unlearning” of everything we thought we knew.

My whole life has been built around searching and trying to find “my purpose” and “mission” and the angst of not doing what I came here to do.  After our session yesterday I realised that I have wasted my whole life living in this spiritual pursuit and never really living in the here and now, in my body, and enjoying all the physical aspects of my life. I never looked for what I could do to enjoy my life here.

"I had such a great release the next day. I cried so very much but it was all good. Very releasing and very up-lifting. I feel reborn! Thank you again for the work that you do at this time". 

I truly wish you were in the U.S. where we could sit and have tea and a good long chat!  Wouldn’t that be lovely?

"Thank you Tammy.  I enjoyed basking in the beautiful energies with you!" 

Thank you for the wonderful healing with Metatron at 21 June. I felt that I just wanted to stay a while in the beautiful energies after the session. It was a happy surprise that Jesus was involved also. I was so glad about that. I think everything is in a higher order. I heard that you shall send out a record and I wonder if it's possible to have a new intention for healing next time you listen to it.  It was a wonderful moment. With love and gratitude".